29 January 2008


You will be excited for this movie, even if I have to change the name of this blog to The Rural Snow Angel.

Yes . . . this is the second time I've posted this trailer. Doesn't matter. It's still as amazing as ever.

On a side note, it seems Olivia Thirlby is the new queen of the Sundance film. Heck, Sam Rockwell is kind of the king at this point.


J.D. said...

I am excited, okay?! Yeesh!

RJ said...

as long as we're on the same page :)

David T said...

Hey man - Psyched to see you excited for Snow Angels. I've worked on that project since our company, Crossroads Films, optioned it as a book. It's been a long road to release. Think you'll love it. I do.
